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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Space Exploration or Financial Imploration

 If you invariably keep your eyes on the sky you may inevitably stumble over the ground. We all cherish and value all the researches done on the outer space and heavenly matters, however, when it comes to budgeting the aforementioned affairs, things get a trifle baffling.

    In an era in which most economies have failed to meet the needs of the majority, dedicating substantial amounts of funds to researches and inquiries that are predominantly involved with the aerospace and its corresponding fields may prove as the second priority when such bulk of the citizenry are struggling to make their earthly ends meet in various dimensions including, but not limited to, housing, employment, education, health care, welfare, and infrastructure.

    In this regard, our contributing correspondent, Mack Moradi strictly derives his agenda from the old saying that says: "charity starts from home”. The following depicts his sentiment about the issue at hand:

     "I personally subscribe to a view that governments should focus mostly on earthly matters rather than spending all the national funds for outer space exploration. However, needless to admit that space discovery would have the benefit of its own for the mankind. Yet, the funds should instead be allocated to diminish the illiteracy in each society, to provide an affordable housing, and to eradicate unemployment. 

    Illiteracy is indisputably regarded as an impediment to the advancement of a given society, entailing the implications of its own. Quite simply speaking, a literate workforce would evidently have much greater efficiency and productivity than the illiterate ones; in addition, the latest research proves that a literate individual has healthier and longer life span; furthermore, they can by far raise better children than the illiterate ones.

   Fortuitously, in order for the government to contribute to this matter, initiating free public education, and enforcing it as a compulsory requirement for joining the work force is not beyond the realm of possibility.       

Is funding the outer-space exploration at this time of financial hardship a waste ?
      Affordable accommodation is still one of the persisting problems with which vast majority of households are dealing, and no one can be extricated unless the government enforces some stimulant in housing policy such as "long term installment loan plan"with low interest rate, establishing it merely by investing mainly in housing projects, not to mention eliminating all the barriers for the construction companies to stimulate the building process.         
      Above all, unemployment undoubtedly is observed as an insurmountable dilemma that all the governments nowadays, especially developing ones, are struggling with. The government, thus, owing to the limitation of the national revenue, should shift its main investment into the country's infrastructure, by granting  adequate incentives to attract foreign investors; simply , creating more jobs is way out to remedy unemployment which otherwise entailing rather devastating consequences such as theft, embezzlement ,bribery, money laundering ,or any other anti-social behaviors for that matter ; to make the situation even worse , it might lead to a more dramatic drawback known as "brain drain".    

    To sum up, I firmly hold the view that governments ought to designate most of the budgeting funds to conduct a profound reform in the educational system in order to diminish the illiteracy effectively, to eliminate the accommodation issue, and unemployment. In other words, no government is supposed to assign the budgeting funds entirely for outer space discovery; they should simply bear in mind that charity starts from home, and meanwhile people deserve and yet is bound to a better life on earth."

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Planet, Our Home

 “There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.”  ~Robert Orben

“Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.”  ~Cree Indian Proverb

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”  ~Native American Proverb

A mere look and a slight contemplation towards the aforementioned statements are more than sufficient to awaken the most barricaded of minds. As the days go by, humanity finds itself more and more in ordeal with the earth in all conceivable aspects not knowing that the real struggle exists within itself.

The global attention regarding the dire need for substantial changes in the way we, the tenants of our planet earth, treat our very home has been steadily increased over the years especially among academics and intellectuals . Alas, such tending is a direct result of the evident impacts done on our environment and their respective trauma; an impairment that is getting us closer and closer to an uninhabitable world due to the abuse committed by none other than ourselves.

Air pollution, global warming and inexplicable weather patterns, the dwindling supply of clean drinking water, reduction of fertile soil, increased level of poisonous chemicals in all elements of the planet earth, raise in the level of radioactivity as well as seismic functions, …, the list goes on! 

But why?! Why should we let our own sanctuary be affected by our own greed?

The following video is an elaboration on ways upon which, the world can see a reversal in its destructive path by allowing the environment to lead us towards its destiny,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving on the Net - The History of Thanksgiving and its Celebrations

The Greeks,Romans,Hebrews, Chinese, Egyptians,
Americans, and Canadians have all been indulging
on the day of Thanksgiving throughout the history.
Learn more by visiting 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Social Skills

From day-to-day greeting to a formal presentation, social skills play a major role in our interaction with the community in which we dwell in. 

Social skills, in nutshell, refer to the way we interact with the other people around us, and the treatment that we receive in response. While, social skills vary from one culture to another, it’s safe to say that a combination of verbal and non-verbal functions shape the basis of such skills in a guild. 

Communication, facial expressions, body language, external behavior , overall mood towards others , accent, level of closeness , the recognition of social status, presupposition, openness, self-confidence are but few of the notions that fall under the category of social skills. 

Acquiring social skills has as big of an impact as lack thereof. Thus, social skill deficits could literally paralyze one’s sense of self in a given community which ultimately reduces the interactive quality of the person in its immediate surroundings. 


The links below are invaluable resources in order for improving social skills in the most sensible manner:

Monday, September 20, 2010

What is love?

For millennia, people have been taking shelter in love for one reason or another. However, explaining the true rational motive behind the need for closeness and intimacy has proven difficult if not impossible.

      Essentially, the multitude of philosophers, poets , writers , directors over the years have tried so arduously to depict a portrait of love that cleanses the soul, refreshes the life , renders purpose for our existence among other things; in other words, the bulk of people are able to describe the feelings while completely unable to explicate on what love actually is.

       Nicholas Sparks in his book A Walk to Remember so aptly describes the features of love:
"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes."

       However, for those of you who might demand a more scientific and less abstract definition, many researches have been conveyed in order for providing a ground for this seemingly unexplainable subject. The results are quite varied to say the least, from denying the existence of love altogether, to thorough explanations via neurons and hormones.

      In the videos bellow Anthropologist Helen Fisher, who have studied gender differences and the evolution of human emotion, talks about love and intimacy along with their assorted functions as well as definition.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

And Then There Were Wars; Commemoration of 9/11 and its Respective Consequences

 Article written by Daniel Molagan

Have you ever wondered how could one hour and eighteen minutes change our lives as well as the history forever?! 

      Nine years ago at this time, the world shook as it saw civilization, no matter how advanced, can be replaced with mayhem that would be remembered by generations to come.

      It looks as if a part of our world died along with thousands of men and women, workers and managers, firefighters and police officers who lost their lives on that grim day. But the series of attacks on September 11th 2001 merely ignited the blazing fire of war that has been burning the world ever since. The fire that is prominently fueled by ignorance, hatred, and most of all, greed.Despite the magnitude of controversy that has surrounded 9/11 and its various theories from conspiratorial to patriotic, we have all been affected by that incident all the same. 

      Whether the twin towers collapsed because of the airplane crashes or planted explosives; regardless of the motivation behind such atrocious cruelty; sadly, the deed is done. Fanatics and extremists are casting the ground as well as the sky disseminating hatred and recruiting followers via falsification , the world as we know it is filled with lack of trust , hate crimes are prevalent , and earnest intentions over ceasing this maddening terror are few and far in between.

      We have to be cautioned that the very notion that brought about the fury events of 9/11 is now being practiced freely in the name of terror inhibition.Terrorism will not vanish unless the root of the issue is targeted. And that brings us to the infamous origin that has caused all this to begin with, something that is ironically quite familiar and has become part of our lives without us even noticing it. Hatred.

      How can we wish for a world where terrorists are isolated and suppressed when we give them a reason to attract newcomers by disrespecting their beliefs and violating their rights as well as our own constitution?!  

      What do you expect a young fellow in Afghanistan or Pakistan would think after witnessing the news about burning Koran by an American pastor? Why do we have to give these extremists the opportunity to mold the minds of others so they could portray America and its allies as the enemies of Islam rather than fanaticism after taking away the constitutional right of Muslim-Americans? 

      Mr. Terry Jones, if you truly long a world of abundance and successfulness where people of different faiths can coexist peacefully ; so long you honestly desire safety and security and not public attention, you would preach tolerance and acceptance instead of insulting the millions of innocent and passive Muslims who had nothing to do with the heinousness that occurred on 9/11. 

      We, as Christians and followers of Christ who said in Matthew 5:44: “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”, are supposed to emanate the message of love thought the universe and not the other way around.

      Washington, if you are unwilling to see your own people embrace death without a cause; if you are taking all the measures to forestall  yet another 9/11 to strike the nation ever again you would remain faithful to the fine constitution of the United States of America and specifically the first Amendment by allowing the Muslim-minority to practice their religion peacefully .

      Mr. Feisal Abdul Rauf ,if you are sincere about your intention behind erecting the grand mosque that is aimed at bringing people closer to God and shows the world the tranquil and pious trend of Islam you would move the location of the grand mosque somewhere else if only to avoid inducing bitter memories of those who lost their loved ones on ground zero, for it is Islam, not to mention all other religions, that enunciates” do unto others as you would like to be done onto you” . After all, Allah can be reached from anywhere and not just the ground zero.

       I hereby , as a Christian and a subscriber of the first Amendment, condemn Mr. Jones’ attempt at disgracing Koran, and would commemorate 9/11 by hoping to see a morrow where people of all faiths and backgrounds can live a prosperous life in which all individuals, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Spirituals, non-believers, cooperate  to redeem the world of extremism and hatred .    

For we read on the entrance of the United Nations:
The children of Adam are limbs to each other,
  Having been created of one essence.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New approach towards design

Disasters do come about whether we like them or not; however, we are not destined to be demolished upon occurrence of a tragedy.

      Considering the rapidly developing infrastructure around the globe, as well as increasing population and its associated financial difficulties that favors quantity over quality, we as the occupants of earth dwell in a world that has become even more vulnerable over the years despite the new technologies.

      This issue,while present in all societies, is more evident among poor and developing nations that are struggling to maintain their pace of growth by exchanging future planning , hazard prediction,and risk reduction for more apparent, and tangible maturation.

      In response to such allegations, those involved in the process defend their initiatives by stating that tough times call for tough measures. This is while in the 21st century, the appropriate approach demands an agenda as follows:
New times call for new measures.

      The first discipline that comes to our minds when thinking about natural disasters and tragedies is architecture and design of the various infrastructures and products. The way we try to tackle the problem of designs that are immune, or at least resilient, towards hazards plays a key role towards the outcome of a turmoil  .If we are truly concerned about the toll taken on finance, human lives, and most importantly our environment,then we need to look anew at our design bearing  in the current situation. A direction that not only benefits us but also the posterity.  

The following videos address this concern by providing novel ways in which a fresh look on
product design and architecture can bring about safety and security for all .


Friday, August 27, 2010

“KEEP MOVING ON” by Daniel Molagan

As I go across that foggy mountain, dressed in snow,
My heart so cold,
My hands shaking, limbs fatigued,
And I stand there all alone; on my own,

The herd of questions passing through my mind,
Scarring my soul ….making me blind,

Part of me is submerged in fear,
Leaving my conscience stained and with smear,
The other side of mine thirsty for the ultimate wisdom,
Hopeful that the moment of truth is near,

I ask myself so filled with wonder,
What am I doing here? ,
Lost all that I came to know,
Yet still maintained a desire to grow,

“Growth hurts sometimes” said to me once a mentor,
A cell has to go through much ere becoming a spore,
Witnessing another cell’s demise,
 Is nothing but development’s central core,

Bear in mind those who are gone,
And the notion that you could be the next one,
“Life is a gift, and not a given right “,
“Live today like it’s your last”, and keep moving on.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Photos speak a thousand words. We all have heard the famous quote at one time or another in our lives, however, the fact that some photographs are capable of changing the world may be unfamiliar and surprising to you. 

      Photos are one of the few entities that are capable of being interpreted by any individual of any background without the need for a translator. Photos are the channels that narrates the tales of the past in the most vivid pattern without any exaggeration or understatement for that matter.It could be assumed by almost everyone that photos are the means of connection especially among different generations and times.

      The following videos will elaborate further on the importance of photography in the contemporary as well as ancient world.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sanctions Concerning Standardized English Test Removed

Diplomatic hurdles invariably strike the nonparticipants the hardest. This notion was proven to thousands of Iranian students who were initially appalled by realizing that the crippling sanctions against the Iranian regime had made the transactions of the funds required for the monetary process of Standardized English Test enrollment such as TOEFL and GRE impossible. As such the registration for the aforementioned exams was aborted until further notice. 

      Today, The New York Times reported that banks are now eligible to perform the proceedings related to S.E.T’s of all class thus bringing the joy of relief to many pupils, scholars, and academics in the country.

      “The company said two weeks ago that it was temporarily halting registrations for the English test and its graduate-school admissions exam, after its bank refused to continue processing payments from Iran amid recent sanctions by the international community taking aim at the country’s financial institutions.”reported the NYT, and then proceeded:

      “United States officials reiterated that sanctions approved by Congress last month were not intended to interfere in the business of companies with permission to operate in Iran, such as E.T.S., but rather to halt the advancement of the country’s nuclear program. At least one other company licensed to operate in Iran has reported problems arising from sanctions.  “

      The news has given back the hope of a future with unbiased and quality education to the students, many of whom are my own learners. Hopefully these efforts will act as a reminder that hard work and education are immune to any political intrusion or social prejudice for that matter. 

      Students all across the area can now resume registration .  

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The eyes of insanity

I wake up in the middle of the night as my effort to sleep fails. I look outside the window without even noticing the surrounding as if the world which I knew for so long does not exist anymore. I contemplate about life as I rapidly recap my actions throughout the years.

      Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you really sure about the things you were told? Do not you suspect that things could be different than what you think? Half of me is agonized by the insecurity that is emanated by my current stream of thoughts while the other half remains hopeful to reach for the truth.

      There is nothing more ironic than to realize you have spent your whole life thinking you have figured it all out just to be proven the exact opposite by no one other than your own self.  

      There it comes that striking instant when every single being, animate or inanimate, demands a new description and the border between reality and unreality seems nonexistent.

      To make the matter worse is the constant call for socialization from your acquaintances who deem you socially sick, and would consider acculturation the sole remedy for the aforementioned malady. As if the body needs to function in a specific way and fight off a particular disease in order to become sane.  

      I have been trying to distinguish the difference between sanity, and insanity for a long time now. Is it hormonal imbalance? What about physical and mental state induced by unconventional conditions? Maybe it is in your blood?

      Hmm … what if being insane solely means being different? What if you are dubbed insane the moment you start to create the world in your own way? What if being insane means to go on the unpaved road with no signs? What if being insane means to expect the impossible? What if being insane means to make your own rules as opposed to follow the status quo blindly? What if being insane means to be the master of your own destiny than to be a slave of tradition and commonality? What if being insane means to be original instead of derivative? What if being insane means to forgive your enemies even though the scar of their hatred, envy, and hostility never truly disappears from your flesh and soul? What if being insane means to care about others as much as you can instead of being drowned in self-indulgence? What if being insane means to trust your heart and not your mind? What if being insane means chosing feeling over logic? 

What if …….?!

What if being insane is far superior than being sane?!

      The harder I try to resist these rambling sentiments the more I approach the conclusion that the people around you would not stop assessing you , and the only manner in which you could earn their approval is by being so-called sane.
Ah,..Seriously..What the heck does that mean?

       I really do not know the meaning of sanity, and am also unable to define insanity …..but I know one thing.The most significant concept in the world, true love, is in direct contradiction with survival of the fittest.

      I have already tried to see the world through the fancy lens of sanity and all I saw was war, hatred, abuse, discrimination, pain, envy and uncertainty. 

Tonight I remove that lens of saneness and try to see the world with naked eyes.

Tonight I see the world as it is,without any filters.

Tonight I see only the questions, and not a single answer.

Tonight I see the beauty of the world through the eyes of insanity.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Handout Regarding the Question "Why Are We Here?"

Are you ready to discuss one of the most controversial philosophical questions? In order to prepare yourself for today's class,

First you can read a comprehensive article concerning the issue:

And most importantly, you are advised to check out this channel 5 documentary titled " The Big Question-Why Are We Here? " by Richard Darwin :

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Handout Regarding Economic Sanctions

After the dusk of the infamous Cold War, economic sanctions have always been the final measure prior to a military operation.

      Imposing economic restraint has proven more than enough to cause troubles for the targeted society, but is that enough to stop a country from pursuing their goals? What is precisely meant by the term "economic sanctions?

Jump to Wikipedia

      For a more exhaustive understanding of the aforementioned term check out "A User's Guide To Economic Sanctions by Robert O'Quinn " below:

Access the PDF

      Also you can watch one of the Press TV programs that I personally attended regarding the concept of sanctions against Iran.

Friday, June 25, 2010

What is Talk Show News?

Conveying the latest news around the globe has become far more convenient these days thanks to the immense and round the clock broadcasting of the latest and greatest occurrences through cable TV, satellites and the internet; however, the significant magnitude of the news material coupled with the short time that regular individuals are willing to spare for viewing them has pushed the media to present the news as efficiently and briefly as possible. 

      The aforementioned approach is realized through use of literary and journalistic words within a fast-paced frame of presentation. As a result, non-native speakers of English may encounter with difficulty trying to grasp and examine the news. 

      Boasting the motto “News comprehension, analysis, and discussion”, as well as strikingly positive feedbacks from the participants, Talk Show News can prove to be among the best arenas to practice professional speaking along with understanding and critical thinking. 

      As for the blueprint of the course, I should say that each class starts with a warm-up via greeting with the students in order to yield a friendly environment that assist learners to embrace English as an international language rather than an alien one. After a brief brain-storming, the news programs from various channels including, but not limited to CBS, NBC, CNN, BBC and so forth are depicted on a large screen for students to witness.

      While the students pay heed to the news contents, the teacher takes notes of the unfamiliar and journalistic terms on the board of the class. Upon reaching the conclusion of each section of the news, the video is paused, and the news as well as the accompanying new vocabularies are discussed. Finally the class is divided into separate teams for engaging in analytical pair-works in which the participants discourse the news with each other while under observation, yet not interference of the instructor. 

Talk Show News classes are currently held on Sundays/Tuesdays and new classes are available for enrollment.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Handout regarding meditation for the upcoming Talk Show

Considering the constant hum of our daily lives, it is quite natural that, every now and then, we would find ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer amount of concern, stress, and anxiety. 

      Knowing more about meditation can certainly help all of us to deflect the common mental break downs that occur on a regular basis. 

     In this regard, you are advised to peruse the article “Meditation: An Introduction” for a general understanding of the matter:

     After that you can learn one of the easiest ways of meditating in “Meditation Made Easy” 
Read the PDF (6 pages long)

     You can also watch the videos below concerning some well-known methods for meditation.



Useful free eBooks:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Learning English Via Newspapers

As daunting as it may seem, using newsprints as a means for acquiring up-to-date English knowledge within the confines of professionalism has never been this easy.

       Thanks to the internet and online reading, having access to the latest and greatest local news of the target country in which the language is spoken means getting behind a computer and logging to the news site, and …..Well…..nothing else really!!! 

      The New York Times, one of the world’s most renowned papers, is undoubtedly an infallible and authentic spot where you can not only obtain the latest and greatest tidings around the globe, but also improve your language abilities, particularly reading and writing skills.

      The learning blog of the NYT has just posted a staggeringly utile article entitled “10 Ways to Support English Language Learning With The New York Times” which features a semi-tutorial for those who are looking to expand their noesis using the NYT. 

Useful links:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Handout regarding liberty for the upcoming Talk Show

Liberty is indeed the only sought-after notion that has always been part of humanity simply because the desire to acquire freedom would not falter over time. 

      You can familiarize yourself with the definition of liberty via wikipedia 

Jump to Wikipedia

      The lectures bellow will discuss different resolutions of liberty in two segregated, yet related, categories of positive and negative liberty. 

      Also you can pay attention to the videos below about the current state of autonomy in the world and the assorted opinions concerning the issue.

Jacob Hornberger at NH Liberty Forum, March 2010 from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo.



Nineteenth Annual Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture from AFLF Webmaster on Vimeo.

Further Reading :
Download "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill (Audio Book)

Download "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill( E-Book) 

Download the book "Complete Liberty" by Wes Bertrand

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Handout as preparation for the upcoming Talk Show

Science has made the modern world. Many of us have heard the aforementioned statement  in one way or another, and many of us believe in it heartily. But are we truly aware of the importance of science in our modern world? Today we will discuss the issue in our Talk Show classes.

For start, I would suggest you to read the following article "Science and the Modern World" :

Also regarding the phenomenon of science denial due to personal beliefs you are recommended to observe the following videos as a mental formulation :

World Science Festival 2008: Faith & Science (Excerpt) from World Science Festival on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Memento of one of my students

I just wanted to post a picture of one of my best students Yashar who has decided to pursue  substantial competency in English language despite his extremely busy schedule as a full-time (or shall we say extra-full-time!) civil engineer [ he sometimes works for almost 12 hours ,even during holidays]. 

Yashar's determination should act as a motivation for all the other students out there who might not spend enough time learning as hard as they should using lack of time as an excuse.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Mathematics of Women !!!

Today, while I was checking my email, I stumbled upon one of the messages that was forwarded to my address from one of my students called Mina Ebrahimi. 

    The message was dubbed "The Mathematics of Woman :) " and I myself found it extremely hilarious;as a result I would like to share it with you:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New anti-cheat system for Talk Show Polls Unveiled

The poll section of this blog starting from May 14th 2010 will be equipped with new advanced anti-cheat algorithms using the world's latest programming technology in order to preserve and promote fare choice among all participants of Talk Show.

       However, the downside of the enhanced anti-cheat system is the presence of a chance that genuine answers could be considered cheating. The system uses an advanced calculation based on geographic location, client information, and other elements to calculate whether it is likely that a response is a cheat.

       If respondents are located mostly within the same subnet (for example same company or university network) it might appear that they have the same IP address. If so, genuine responders might be considered to be cheaters.

     Thank you for respecting others' decisions by not voting more than once. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Generation Gap Revisited as preparation for the upcoming Talk Show

The short report you are about to read is an edited rephrasing of “Generation Gaps in Attitudes and Values from the 1970s to the 1990s,” in On the Frontier of Adulthood: Theory, Research, and Public Policy . This brief account can prepare Talk Show participants for today's classes.

Read the PDF

         You can also further your knowledge regarding the gap between generations by reading "Generation gap" and "Generation gap: Who is to blame?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Diet and Nutrition Videos as Preparation For the Upcoming Talk Show

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Have you ever wondered what a person of a specific country is called ?In English ,while some general rules regarding the names of countries and their respective adjectives are available, this by no means implies that all nationalities could be asserted by the aforementioned guideline. As a result I have provided a list of all countries with their demonyms for you to review:

  • Note : Each country has a direct link to its geographical fact book and assorted information for further reading .  

Country(red)  and  Nationality(green)
Afghanistan Afghan/ Albania Albanian/ Algeria Algerian/ Andorra Andorran/ Angola Angolan/ Antigua and Barbuda Antiguans, Barbudans/ Argentina Argentine/ Armenia Armenian / Australia Australian/ Austria Austrian/ Azerbaijan Azerbaijani/ The Bahamas Bahamian/ Bahrain Bahraini/ Bangladesh Bangladeshi/ Barbados Barbadian /Belarus Belarusian/ Belgium Belgian/ Belize Belizean/ Benin Beninese/ BhutanBolivia Bolivian/ Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnian Herzegovinian/ Botswana Motswana , Batswana (plural)/ Brazil Brazilian/ Brunei Bruneian/ Bulgaria Bulgarian/ Burkina Faso Burkinabe/ BurundiCambodia Cambodian/ Cameroon Cameroonian/ Canada Canadian/ Cape Verde Cape Verdian or Cape Verdean/ Central African Republic Central African/ Chad Chadian/ Chile Chilean/ China Chinese/ Colombia Colombian/ Comoros Comoran/ Congo, Republic of the Congolese/ Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congolese/ Costa Rica Costa Rican/ Cote d'Ivoire Ivorian/ Croatia Croat/ Cuba Cuban/ Cyprus Cypriot/ Czech Republic Czech/ Denmark Dane/ Djibouti Djibouti/ Dominica Dominican/ Dominican Republic Dominican/ East Timor East Timorese/ Ecuador Ecuadorean/ Egypt Egyptian/ El Salvador Salvadoran/ England English /; UK Demonyms Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinean or Equatoguinean/ Eritrea Eritrean/ Estonia Estonian/ Ethiopia Ethiopian/ Fiji Fijian/ Finland Finn/ France French/ Gabon Gabonese/ The Gambia Gambian/ GeorgiaGermany German/ Ghana Ghanaian/ Greece Greek/ Grenada Grenadian/ GuatemalaGuinea Guinean/ Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissauan/ Guyana Guyanese/ Haiti Haitian/ HondurasHungary Hungarian/ Iceland Icelander/ India Indian/ Indonesia Indonesian/ Iran Iranian/ Iraq Iraqi/ Ireland  Irish/ Israel Israeli/ Italy Italian/ Jamaica Jamaican/ Japan Japanese/ JordanKazakhstan Kazakhstani/ Kenya Kenyan/ Kiribati I-Kiribati/ Korea, North North Korean/ Korea, South South Korean/ Kuwait Kuwaiti/ Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz or Kirghiz/ Laos Lao or Laotian/ Latvia Latvian/ Lebanon Lebanese/ Lesotho Mosotho/ Liberia Liberian/ Libya Libyan/ LiechtensteinLithuania Lithuanian/ Luxembourg Luxembourger/ Macedonia Macedonian/ MadagascarMalawi Malawian/ Malaysia Malaysian/ Maldives Maldivan/ Mali Malian/ Malta Maltese/ Marshall Islands Marshallese/ Mauritania Mauritanian/ Mauritius Mauritian/ Mexico Mexican/ Federated States of Micronesia Micronesian/ Moldova Moldovan/ Monaco Monegasque or Monacan/ Mongolia Mongolian/ Morocco Moroccan/ Mozambique Mozambican/ Myanmar (Burma) Burmese or Myanmarese/ NamibiaNauru Nauruan/ Nepal Nepalese/ Netherlands Netherlander or Dutch/ New Zealand New Zealander or Kiwi/ Nicaragua Nicaraguan/ Niger Nigerien/ Nigeria Nigerian/ Norway Norwegian/ Oman Omani/ PakistanPalau Palauan/ Panama Panamanian/ Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinean/ Paraguay Paraguayan/ Peru Peruvian/ Philippines Filipino/ Poland Pole/ Portugal Portuguese/ Qatar Qatari/ Romania Romanian/ RussiaRwanda Rwandan/ Saint Kitts and Nevis Kittian and Nevisian/ Saint Lucia Saint Lucian/ SamoaSan Marino Sammarinese or San Marinese/ Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tomean/ Saudi ArabiaScotland Scottish (NOT Scotch)/  UK Demonyms Senegal Senegalese/ Serbia and Montenegro Serbian or Montenegrin/ Seychelles Seychellois/ Sierra Leone Sierra Leonean/ SingaporeSlovakia Slovak/ Slovenia Slovene / Solomon Islands Solomon Islander/ Somalia Somali/ South Africa South African/ Spain Spaniard/ Sri Lanka Sri Lankan / Sudan Sudanese /Suriname Surinamer/ SwazilandSweden Swede/ Switzerland Swiss/ Syria Syrian/ Taiwan Taiwanese/ Tajikistan Tajik or Tadzhik/ Tanzania Tanzanian/ Thailand Thai/ Togo Togolese/ Tonga Tongan/ Trinidad and Tobago Trinidadian or Tobagonian/ Tunisia Tunisian/ Turkey Turk/ Turkmenistan Turkmen(s) / Tuvalu Tuvaluan / Uganda Ugandan / Ukraine Ukrainian/ United Arab Emirates Emirati/ United Kingdom British, Britons, (Brits)/ United StatesUSA American/ Demonyms Uruguay Uruguayan/ Uzbekistan Uzbek or Uzbekistani/ VanuatuVatican City (Holy See) Citizen of the Holy See /Venezuela Ven0ezuelan/ Vietnam Vietnamese /Wales Welsh /; UK Demonyms Yemen Yemeni or Yemenite/ Zambia Zambian/ Zimbabwe Zimbabwean...