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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Space Exploration or Financial Imploration

 If you invariably keep your eyes on the sky you may inevitably stumble over the ground. We all cherish and value all the researches done on the outer space and heavenly matters, however, when it comes to budgeting the aforementioned affairs, things get a trifle baffling.

    In an era in which most economies have failed to meet the needs of the majority, dedicating substantial amounts of funds to researches and inquiries that are predominantly involved with the aerospace and its corresponding fields may prove as the second priority when such bulk of the citizenry are struggling to make their earthly ends meet in various dimensions including, but not limited to, housing, employment, education, health care, welfare, and infrastructure.

    In this regard, our contributing correspondent, Mack Moradi strictly derives his agenda from the old saying that says: "charity starts from home”. The following depicts his sentiment about the issue at hand:

     "I personally subscribe to a view that governments should focus mostly on earthly matters rather than spending all the national funds for outer space exploration. However, needless to admit that space discovery would have the benefit of its own for the mankind. Yet, the funds should instead be allocated to diminish the illiteracy in each society, to provide an affordable housing, and to eradicate unemployment. 

    Illiteracy is indisputably regarded as an impediment to the advancement of a given society, entailing the implications of its own. Quite simply speaking, a literate workforce would evidently have much greater efficiency and productivity than the illiterate ones; in addition, the latest research proves that a literate individual has healthier and longer life span; furthermore, they can by far raise better children than the illiterate ones.

   Fortuitously, in order for the government to contribute to this matter, initiating free public education, and enforcing it as a compulsory requirement for joining the work force is not beyond the realm of possibility.       

Is funding the outer-space exploration at this time of financial hardship a waste ?
      Affordable accommodation is still one of the persisting problems with which vast majority of households are dealing, and no one can be extricated unless the government enforces some stimulant in housing policy such as "long term installment loan plan"with low interest rate, establishing it merely by investing mainly in housing projects, not to mention eliminating all the barriers for the construction companies to stimulate the building process.         
      Above all, unemployment undoubtedly is observed as an insurmountable dilemma that all the governments nowadays, especially developing ones, are struggling with. The government, thus, owing to the limitation of the national revenue, should shift its main investment into the country's infrastructure, by granting  adequate incentives to attract foreign investors; simply , creating more jobs is way out to remedy unemployment which otherwise entailing rather devastating consequences such as theft, embezzlement ,bribery, money laundering ,or any other anti-social behaviors for that matter ; to make the situation even worse , it might lead to a more dramatic drawback known as "brain drain".    

    To sum up, I firmly hold the view that governments ought to designate most of the budgeting funds to conduct a profound reform in the educational system in order to diminish the illiteracy effectively, to eliminate the accommodation issue, and unemployment. In other words, no government is supposed to assign the budgeting funds entirely for outer space discovery; they should simply bear in mind that charity starts from home, and meanwhile people deserve and yet is bound to a better life on earth."

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Planet, Our Home

 “There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.”  ~Robert Orben

“Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.”  ~Cree Indian Proverb

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”  ~Native American Proverb

A mere look and a slight contemplation towards the aforementioned statements are more than sufficient to awaken the most barricaded of minds. As the days go by, humanity finds itself more and more in ordeal with the earth in all conceivable aspects not knowing that the real struggle exists within itself.

The global attention regarding the dire need for substantial changes in the way we, the tenants of our planet earth, treat our very home has been steadily increased over the years especially among academics and intellectuals . Alas, such tending is a direct result of the evident impacts done on our environment and their respective trauma; an impairment that is getting us closer and closer to an uninhabitable world due to the abuse committed by none other than ourselves.

Air pollution, global warming and inexplicable weather patterns, the dwindling supply of clean drinking water, reduction of fertile soil, increased level of poisonous chemicals in all elements of the planet earth, raise in the level of radioactivity as well as seismic functions, …, the list goes on! 

But why?! Why should we let our own sanctuary be affected by our own greed?

The following video is an elaboration on ways upon which, the world can see a reversal in its destructive path by allowing the environment to lead us towards its destiny,

Sunday, December 5, 2010