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Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Faith

Once upon a time a friend asked me: “What is your religion?” 

To that question I gave the following response: 

“I am a liberal and thus believe that we all have the rights to choose our faith, and with the same token I am inclined to respect other people’s choice of belief system. However, I would use the same autonomy not to select a faith, but to create one. In this way I have set to establish a faith with my own limited knowledge, by myself, and for myself while respecting those who have decided to adopt their beliefs from the convenient sources such as organized religion. 

Hence, I am neither a believer nor a non-believer, neither Jewish nor Christian, neither Agnostic nor Atheist, for to be any of those demands conformation without information; to be categorized as such requires faith or lack thereof without sufficient reason since the futile attempt at proving the supremacy of your beliefs upon others requires the inherently flawed illusion of righteousness as well as a better-than-thou-attitude which only results in repudiation and intolerance. 

Religion is a choice that people make in order to appear just, I on the other hand do not choose to be right, but rather I choose to be happy.”

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